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Schools are now up and running on their "new normal" schedule, requiring many of us to adapt our living & working space accordingly, so they'll fit a wide scale of new functions.

How do you maintain both your sanity and esthetic values at times like these? With lots of storage, low maintenance furniture, cohesive design & repetition.

Storage, storage & some more storage please

Ikea's Trofast storage combination
IKEA's Trofast storage combination // Ikea

And so the example for that happens to be my all-time favorite Ikea's Trofast storage combination. I know it's originally designed for kids' rooms, but don't be afraid to use it in your living room, if that's where your kids are hanging now. I love its simplicity, neutrality, modularity and functionality. It's basically drawers your kids can pull out, take with them to where ever they want, and put right back in. in theory, at least.

More toy storage combination that can function well anywhere around the house:

Low maintenance furniture

slipcovered sofa
Shelter slicovered sofa // West Elm

Also known as slip-covered sofas, which is my new religion and I'm now trying to convert as many people as possible. I came across this brilliance after dealing with a sick child throwing up all over my beloved, non-washable, expensive sofa, and needless to say, it scared me for life.

Since I've seen the light, I'm a care-free woman (in this department only) because it's washable. Plus, washable covers unlock all bright colors, white included, because they are, you've guessed right, washable.

Here are some of my favorite sofas with removable/slip covers:

Cohesive color scheme & Continuous lines

IKEA IVAR cabinets storage
Yes, it's yet another IKEA piece. IVAR cabinets at their best // IKEA (of course)

When everything is a mess, including (or especially?) your home, it's comforting to at least have a calming, cohesive background, since your eyes don't jump hectically from one color/object/height to another. Try imagining a wall with one continuous storage system, compared to a wall with a TV cabinet, next to a bookcase, next to toy bins.

One more thing, open shelves are pretty, but in a real-functioning home (especially with kids!) it's imperative to hide all eclectic possessions behind closed doors, hence the cabinets.

Matching your outfit to the décor is a bonus, as beautifully manifested in the image above.


String shelves system Scandinavian design
String Shelves system // scandinavia design

Repetition is powerful, so if you need opulent storage space, try to use your largest wall and organize your storage system along that wall. It will look so much better than any lonely bookcase, and it will serve your organization needs better. A win-win!

Some more storage systems:

Good luck my friends, stay sane and safe!


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